Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

Commonly referred to as a breast lift or boob lift, mastopexy surgery raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.

Enhancing your appearance with a breast lift

A woman’s breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These loss of skin elasticity and volume can result from:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Aging
  • Gravity
  • Heredity

Breast lift (Mastopexy)

I employ various methods to lift the breast and elevate the nipple. In 2011 I gave a talk to the Quebec Society of Plastic Surgery on my methods. As an invited speaker I spoke on my experience with the various types of mastopexy:

  • peri-areolar (donut or Benelli mastopexy) with implants
  • vertical peri-areolar mastopexy (with or without implants)
  • inverted T (anchor type scar) or variant ( “J” type scar)
  • with reduction of unwanted breast tissue

Breast lifts are commonly done in women who have had children or lost weight. Reduction of unnecessary breast tissue and volume (the saggy part) can be a part of the breast lift, and volume higher in the breast can be added with an implant if desired. Occasionally, the lower tissue can be arranged higher and no implant is necessary.

At the time of your consult, I will take a careful history to ensure that you are a good candidate and then you will be examined. A surgical plan that meets your goals and is safe and predictable will be discussed with you and illustrated on diagrams.

If possible, I will re-arrange your breast tissue so no implant is necessary. The smallest scar necessary (around the areola) will be chosen and a vertical or J scar will only be added if necessary. Adding an implant allows for less scars, but also adds the pros and cons of an implant. This balance between volume and skin tightening (mastopexy) is the art of a good breast lift.

Before and After
